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An evidence-based perspective on the drivers of better educational outcomes for children in out-of-home care.
An evidence-based perspective on the drivers of better educational outcomes for children and young people disengaged from education.
An evidence-based perspective on the drivers of better educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
An evidence-based perspective on the actions and drivers required to promote equity and a high-quality education system for all.
We are seeking to transform the early childhood development landscape so that children experiencing vulnerability have access to high-quality, integrated supports.
This submission shares SVA’s perspective on the Review of Early Childhood Education and Care Interim Report. It provides feedback to ensure our early childhood system is accessible for all families.
This submission to the Australian Government shares SVA’s views on the design of the Commonwealth Outcomes Fund. It outlines key design priorities and considerations for implementation.
When we work together, we have what it takes to generate impact at scale.
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