Whistleblower policy

This Whistleblowing Policy sets out the approach of Social Ventures Australia Limited (SVA) to:
- Encourage reporting of Wrongdoing at SVA, that is, actual or suspected misconduct or an
inappropriate state of affairs or circumstances; - Provide protection and support to a person who reports Wrongdoing; and
- Implement and comply with the requirements of applicable whistleblowing laws.
Whistleblowing laws provide legal protections to persons making disclosures of fraudulent, illegal, corrupt or unethical activity. While the legislation differs slightly across jurisdictions, all provide for the protection of the identity of the person making the disclosure and offer certain other protections for whistle-blowers.
Any reference to SVA in this Policy means SVA and each of its subsidiaries.
Download our whistleblower policyFirst Nations peoples should be aware that this website may contain the images, voices or names of people who have passed away.