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In this response to the Inquiry, SVA shares what the best available evidence says about effective behaviour supports in schools and how to support educators to implement best practice.
SVA’s response to the Future Foundations for Giving draft report builds on earlier feedback provided to the Productivity Commission about the most effective ways to grow philanthropy in Australia.
Our response to the Productivity Commission draft report on Early Childhood Education and Care shares our insights from our work on improving outcomes for children experiencing disadvantage.
There is a well-recognised need to improve career pathways for young people at risk of exclusion.
Creating a strong foundation for Australia's children. Explore our recommendations for a unified early childhood development system.
Most funders in Australia do not provide funds for not-for-profit indirect costs, leading to lower capability and effectiveness across the sector.
This report explores the different financial, legal and operational constraints that charities face compared with commercial businesses, which make it harder for them to rebound.
This report takes a refreshed look at the state of the charity sector and its financial health.
SVA’s response to the draft National Strategy for the Care and Support Economy highlights the need to consider the distinctive nature of not-for-profit employers, opposed to other types of providers.
When we work together, we have what it takes to generate impact at scale.
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