We created a demonstration project that led to the establishment of a national education evidence institute.
Current state
High quality education can contribute significantly towards breaking cycles of
Yet despite significant investment, Australia’s education system is leaving young people from low socioeconomic backgrounds behind. By the age of 15, Australian students from low socioeconomic backgrounds can be up to three years behind their peers.
We need to do more to level the playing field so all Australian schools can offer the kind of high-quality education that closes the learning and wellbeing gap facing Australian students.

Our work
Evidence for Learning
The Connection
An SVA-incubated project that’s ensuring students get a quality education regardless of their postcode.
Goodstart Early Learning
We established the largest not-for-profit childcare provider in Australia so all children can get a great start in life.
Evidence scans
SVA commissioned evidence scans to inform the 2019 refresh of our education perspective papers. These documents are a snapshot of any evidence on the effectiveness of policy, programs, practices and interventions aimed at strengthening educational outcomes for specific cohorts of children and young people.
- Download the evidence scan of educational interventions for children and young people disengaged from education (PDF, 728 KB)
- Download the evidence scan of educational interventions for children in out-of-home care (PDF, 850 KB)
- Download a systematic review of recent research on the importance of cultural programs in schools, school and community engagement and school leadership in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education (PDF, 448 KB)

Education perspective paper
An evidence-based perspective on the actions and drivers required to promote equity and a high-quality education system for all.
Education perspective: Children in out-of-home care
An evidence-based perspective on the drivers of better educational outcomes for children in out-of-home care.
Education perspective: Children disengaged from education
An evidence-based perspective on the drivers of better educational outcomes for children and young people disengaged from education.
Education perspective: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
An evidence-based perspective on the drivers of better educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
The team
Principal, Consulting Doug Hume