Scenario planning for times of great uncertainty – audio
Covid-19 has had a massive impact on the social sector, not least in making planning for future demand extremely challenging. Using scenarios proved a valuable way to understand potential impacts on demand in the Victorian child and family services sector, given the many uncertainties.

- SVA partnered with Berry Street, Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare and Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency to understand the emerging and future impact of Covid-19 on vulnerable families and children so that the sector could get a clearer sense of the potential increase in demand for child protection and out-of-home care in Victoria.
- This work built on an earlier report which demonstrated the economic case for additional government investment into targeted, early intervention programs to support more Victorian children to avoid out-of-home care.
- The team used scenario planning to demonstrate that under all scenarios more families will be in need of support due to Covid-19. Based on these scenarios, SVA was also able to quantify the additional social and economic benefits of investment in early intervention programs.
- Scenarios can be a useful tool to provide some certainty in a time of great uncertainty which could include contributing to a better understanding of demand for services or providing an evidence base for advocacy for additional funding.
Authors Nancy Tran and Susie King; read by Nancy Tran.
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