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The Quarterly shares insights from our work and across the sector, to prompt learning and discussion about effective practice.

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19 to 24 of 116 results
Vulnerability and resilience in the social sector: what we learnt through Covid-19
Vulnerability and resilience in the social sector, what we learnt through Covid-19
  • Quarterly article
Vulnerability and resilience in the social sector: what we learnt through Covid-19 Organisational effectiveness, Philanthropy, Systems change

Supporting social purpose organisations through 2020 taught the Paul Ramsay Foundation and SVA key lessons about what leads to vulnerability or resilience in a crisis.

  • Charities and social sector
Scenario planning for times of great uncertainty
Scenario planning for times of great uncertainty
  • Quarterly article
Scenario planning for times of great uncertainty Strategy, Organisational effectiveness

Covid-19 has had a massive impact on the social sector, not least in making planning for future demand extremely challenging. Using scenarios proved a valuable way to understand potential impacts on demand in the Victorian child and family services sector, given the many uncertainties.

  • Early Years
  • Charities and social sector
Disability housing: what does good look like?
Disability housing, what does good look like
  • Quarterly article
Disability housing: what does good look like? Outcomes management, Measurement and evaluation

SVA has partnered with the disability sector to co-develop a common outcomes framework for disability housing that is both meaningful and practical. What is the framework, why was it developed, and what does it mean for people with disability?

  • Disability
  • Housing and homelessness
Putting tenants first: how Synergis Fund is investing in disability housing
Putting tenants first, how Synergis Fund is investing in disability housing
  • Quarterly article
Putting tenants first: how Synergis Fund is investing in disability housing Impact investing

Synergis Fund, a new fund investing in disability housing, is helping to fill a critical gap in the market by providing high-quality, long-term homes that meet tenants’ needs. How does the fund achieve this while still offering stable, risk-adjusted returns to its investors?

  • Housing and homelessness
  • Disability
A step towards First Nations justice in child protection
A step towards First Nations justice in child protection
  • Quarterly article
A step towards First Nations justice in child protection Measurement and evaluation

A Koori-designed program in the Children’s Court of Victoria is providing a more effective and just response for Koori families.

  • First Nations
The Uluru Statement from the Heart: what now?
The Uluru Statement from the Heart, what now
  • Quarterly article
The Uluru Statement from the Heart: what now? Systems change

Professor Megan Davis, the Balnaves Chair in Constitutional Law and Pro Vice-Chancellor Indigenous at the University of NSW, and primary architect of the regional dialogues behind the Uluru Statement from the Heart, talks to SVA’s CEO Suzie Riddell about the Statement, where it is up to and why it is so important.

  • First Nations
‘Bulletproof problem solving’: could it work in the social sector?
‘Bulletproof problem solving’, could it work in the social sector
  • Quarterly article
‘Bulletproof problem solving’: could it work in the social sector? Organisational effectiveness, Systems change

SVA CEO, Suzie Riddell talks to Rob McLean, Director Emeritus of McKinsey and Company, about problem solving, what makes it hard for not-for-profits and how the seven step process from his recently co-authored book can be applied to complex social issues.

  • Charities and social sector
Mergers and acquisitions: four things for boards to keep top of mind
Mergers and acquisitions - four things for boards to keep top of mind
  • Quarterly article
Mergers and acquisitions: four things for boards to keep top of mind Organisational effectiveness

How to get real about the questions not-for-profit board members need to ask when a potential merger or acquisition comes up.

  • Charities and social sector
Seven pitfalls to avoid in outcomes measurement
To show someone leaping over the pitfalls, and avoiding them
  • Quarterly article
Seven pitfalls to avoid in outcomes measurement Measurement and evaluation, Outcomes management

What are the common things that go wrong when setting up an outcomes measurement approach? SVA consultants share 10 years of insights.

  • Charities and social sector