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The Quarterly shares insights from our work and across the sector, to prompt learning and discussion about effective practice.

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73 to 78 of 116 results
How the Federal Government can help grow social impact investing
How the Federal Government can help grow social impact investing
  • Quarterly article
How the Federal Government can help grow social impact investing Impact investing

What steps can the Commonwealth Government take to help access more private capital for social impact investing to address some of Australia’s greatest social challenges?

  • Charities and social sector
  • Housing and homelessness
Arriving at a career on purpose
Arriving at a career on purpose
  • Quarterly article
Arriving at a career on purpose Strategy, Systems change

New directors in SVA’s consulting team, Susie King and Malcolm Garrow give a fresh perspective on the Australian social sector and share what’s brought them to these roles.

  • Charities and social sector
Extended benefits of an SROI report 
Extended benefits of an SROI report
  • Quarterly article
Extended benefits of an SROI report  Measurement and evaluation, Outcomes management

There can be additional benefits from an SROI analysis if it is approached in the right way.

  • Charities and social sector
Getting the most out of SROI
Getting the most out of SROI
  • Quarterly article
Getting the most out of SROI Measurement and evaluation, Outcomes management

A full Social Return on Investment (SROI) report isn’t the only way to benefit from applying the SROI framework.

  • Charities and social sector
Are charities beyond the crisis?
Are charities beyond the crisis
  • Quarterly article
Are charities beyond the crisis? Advocacy, Systems change

Financially, charities fared better than feared during the pandemic thanks to prudent management and much needed financial support from governments and philanthropists.

  • Charities and social sector
Seven steps to effective advocacy
Seven steps to effective advocacy
  • Quarterly article
Seven steps to effective advocacy Advocacy

SVA Consulting’s seven-step process will help non-profit leaders develop a strategy to advocate for change.

  • Charities and social sector
Finding the golden thread: a new approach to articulating program logic
Finding the golden thread
  • Quarterly article
Finding the golden thread: a new approach to articulating program logic Measurement and evaluation

The Golden Thread methodology is a visually effective way to articulate program logic statements which describe how activities lead to impact.

  • Charities and social sector
New model for financing affordable housing
New model for financing affordable housing
  • Quarterly article
New model for financing affordable housing Impact investing

A housing finance ‘aggregator’ is one solution for attracting more private capital into the affordable housing market. This article explains how it would work and how it fits with other policy options available to Federal and state governments.

  • Housing and homelessness