Disability housing: what does good look like? – podcast
Anna Ashenden talks with SVA Quarterly editor, Karen Prout about the development of a common outcomes framework for disability housing. What it is and what it means for people with disability.

Read the article
- SVA Consulting has teamed up with the disability sector to develop a common outcomes framework which will help the sector better understand the impact of housing and in-home supports on the lives of people with disability.
- The work has been guided by a coalition of industry providers, with regular input and advice from people with disability, representative and industry peak bodies, disability service and housing providers, and academics to ensure it is meaningful and practical.
- The Disability Housing Outcomes Framework (the Framework) encourages providers to look beyond compliance towards what good looks like to set a standard across the industry
- The Framework has been completed and is freely available across the sector under a Creative Commons License and can be accessed here.
- The focus of work for 2021 is to codesign and pilot a tool for providers to use to consistently collect data, and to provide opportunities for sector learning and benchmarking over time.
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