Barriers for young people
Young people face a range of complex barriers to gaining quality jobs and establishing their careers:
- difficulties navigating the transition from education to employment
- the most impacted by COVID and the economy for those that do find some work, many are underemployed and looking for more work
- ‘business as usual’ practices are excluding young people and keeping workplaces inaccessible.

Get involved
The Lab aims to support employers to improve non-university pathways into good quality jobs. To participate in the lab, you must:
- be a medium-large employer committed to improving opportunities for local young people
- identify a senior leader champion
- nominate 2-3 staff to attend the 2-day in-person kick-off workshop,
- engage with the program for up to 12 months.
And through your pilot, commit to:
- focusing on non-university pathways
- exploring opportunities to lift barriers to work
- improving and embedding inclusive practices
- to attract, retain and develop staff.
Watch this page for details of the next Lab.