Outcomes contracting trailblazer shares knowledge (podcast)
Elyse Sainty, outcomes contracting advocate, spoke to Patrick Flynn, director of Public Affairs to share her insights after 10 years leading SVA’s work in social impact bonds.
Timestamps on podcast
- 0:42: Actuary skills and how they help solve social problems; potential of data
- 4:47: What is a SIB and why are governments interested?
- 8:25: Where did the concept for SIBs come from & why did it take hold?
- 11:38: Use of data and understanding causation
- 16:41: How can governments make data more accessible & what are the benefits of outcomes contracting?
- 21:44: What happened with the initial batch of bonds & what did we learn?
- 30:47: How can governments help respond better to the needs of people through outcomes contracting?
- 35:13: What happened in the SIB world during Covid-19?
- 37:57: Why do service providers want to be funded by SIBs?
- 40:40: Who invests in SIBs and why?
- 42:31: What’s the benefit of private capital and when should you use it?
- 46:07: What’s the role of the intermediary that SVA has played
- 48:54: What advice would you have for state and federal government?
- 53:52: Reflections on 10 years: milestones & hopes
- 55:43: What would success look like in 10 years?
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