The Newpin SA Social Impact Bond (SIB) offers investors the opportunity to generate a financial return whilst creating a lasting difference in the lives of vulnerable children and families in South Australia.

The Newpin Program is an 18-month centre-based program that has been designed to strengthen family engagement and has an established track record in ensuring that more children are able to live safely with their parents.

The Program is delivered by Uniting Communities, one of South Australia’s largest providers of community services. It builds on the model and learnings of the [Newpin Social Benefit Bond in NSW], which delivered an uplift in the proportion of children restored to the care of their family of close to 40% across the seven years of the bond contract.

There are currently over 4,000 children in South Australia living away from their parents in out-of-home care, highlighting a strong need for investment in reunification services.

Three Newpin centres will be established across metropolitan Adelaide under the SIB and it is anticipated that around 224 families will be referred to the Program over a five-year period. Each of these families will have at least one child who is below school age and in out-of-home care.

The Newpin Program is expected to generate positive outcomes for children, their families and the community. It is estimated that more than double the number of children will be reunified with their families than would occur in the absence of the Program.

The Newpin SA SIB structure

Key features

  • Investor returns are linked to the effectiveness of the Newpin Program in reunifying children in out-of-home care to their families.
  • 7 year bond term (dependent upon Financial Close)
  • Target performance scenario return of 6% p.a. (note that this is an objective only)
  • Fixed coupons of 2% p.a. for first 3 years
  • Performance coupons in years 4-7 which are dependent upon program outcomes
  • 50% capital protection in worst-case scenario; maximum return 10% p.a.


Please note that the Newpin SA SIB is now closed for investment. For further details please refer to the following documents:

Investor updates

Investor reports