Submission to the ACT Government Literacy and Numeracy Inquiry
In this submission, SVA outlines ways to strengthen literacy and numeracy for students. Our recommendations are based on our experience with Evidence for Learning, an SVA-incubated initiative.
This document provides feedback on the ACT Government’s Literacy and Numeracy Inquiry:
- Provides evidence and guidance reports from the Evidence for Learning toolkits to support item 1: Class, whole-school and system-wide approaches and supports that have been proven to improve learning outcomes for all students at each stage of learning and development.
- That a wide body of evidence that targeted academic support can have a positive impact on learning, particularly for students who are not making good progress.
- That High quality implementation of educational approaches can have a significant impact on improving students’ outcomes. One of the characteristics that distinguishes effective and less-effective schools, in addition to what they implement, is how they put those new approaches into practice. A number of reviews of implementation in schools have established that even well-evidenced practices are unlikely to have their full impact, or be sustained, if implementation is overlooked.
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