Early childhood hubs: exploring need, funding models, and a national approach
We are seeking to transform the early childhood development landscape so that children experiencing vulnerability have access to high-quality, integrated supports.
We commissioned Deloitte Access Economics to explore early childhood disadvantage across Australia. They identified approximately 107,000 children aged birth to six nationwide experiencing significant hardship. These children live in communities with high levels of socioeconomic disadvantage and developmental vulnerability. The vast majority of them also have very limited or no access to an early childhood hub* providing these integrated supports.
The report identifies where early childhood hubs are most needed. It also explores a national approach to scale that would see more children able to benefit from one. It unpacks options for funding and how to embed early childhood hubs within the service system.
We have developed an interactive map to showcase this need data. The map spotlights the 706 communities identified as most in need of an early childhood hub. The communities are ranked according to their level of need. The highest ranked are those that face the most significant adversity. These communities have the highest levels of socio-economic disadvantage and the largest portion of children experiencing vulnerability.
Download the brief*We previously called these Integrated Child and Family Centres (ICFCs) but have updated our terminology to Early childhood hubs to support common usage across the sector.