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The Quarterly shares insights from our work and across the sector, to prompt learning and discussion about effective practice.

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13 to 18 of 116 results
Outcomes contracting trailblazer shares knowledge – part 2
  • Quarterly article
Outcomes contracting trailblazer shares knowledge – part 2 Outcomes management, SIBs, Impact investing

Part 2 of Elyse Sainty, director in the Impact Investing team and outcomes contracting advocate, sharing her insights after 10 years leading SVA’s work in social impact bonds (SIBs).

  • Charities and social sector
Dean Parkin: what is a Voice to Parliament and why does it matter?
Dean Parkin what is a Voice to Parliament
  • Quarterly article
Dean Parkin: what is a Voice to Parliament and why does it matter? Systems change

Dean Parkin, Director, From the Heart, talks with SVA CEO Suzie Riddell about the campaign for a First Nations Voice to Parliament to be enshrined in the Australian constitution and why it matters.

  • First Nations
A guide to outcomes contracting and social impact bonds
A guide to outcomes contracting and social impact bonds
  • Quarterly article
A guide to outcomes contracting and social impact bonds Outcomes management, SIBs, Impact investing

After 10 years of social impact bonds in Australia, we share insights and answer questions here in one place.

  • Charities and social sector
Social sector intermediaries: what are they and what do they need?
Social sector intermediaries-what are they and what do they need
  • Quarterly article
Social sector intermediaries: what are they and what do they need? Systems change, Philanthropy

Field-building intermediaries play an important role in social sector ecosystems. But what do they do and what kind of funding do they need to sustain their work and impact?

  • Charities and social sector
A principled approach to working with First Nations peoples
A principled approach to working with First Nations peoples
  • Quarterly article
A principled approach to working with First Nations peoples Strategy

A set of First Nations Practice Principles striving to create positive impact for First Nations organisations and communities.

  • First Nations
Indigenous evaluation: how you do it is as important as what you find out
Indigenous evaluation, how you do it is as important as what you find out
  • Quarterly article
Indigenous evaluation: how you do it is as important as what you find out Measurement and evaluation

Indigenous evaluation case study: how we did it, why the process was important, the critical insights we gained along the way and resulting implications for not only the client, Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa and Martu people, but also for evaluators and Indigenous program and policy makers.

  • First Nations
Paying what it takes to create impact
Paying what it takes to create impact
  • Quarterly article
Paying what it takes to create impact Systems change

New research from Social Ventures Australia (SVA) and the Centre for Social Impact (CSI) has found that not-for-profit organisations across Australia are, in general, not funded for the actual cost of what they do. The result is less effective operations and reduced impact.

  • Charities and social sector
Rethinking social networks for equity, excellence and flourishing
Rethinking social networks for equity, excellence and flourishing
  • Quarterly article
Rethinking social networks for equity, excellence and flourishing Collaboration, Systems change

Researchers in social network theory and educational leadership provide an analysis of how SVA’s The Connection is using networks to improve education outcomes within communities experiencing disadvantage.

  • Education
Developing sustainable and high impact NFPs for Indigenous Australians
  • Quarterly article
Developing sustainable and high impact NFPs for Indigenous Australians Organisational effectiveness, Strategy

SVA’s newest board member, Aboriginal non-profit leader and Fulbright Scholar, Adam Davids offers insights for Indigenous not-for-profits by drawing on the experience of successful racial minority-serving institutions in the USA.

  • First Nations